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Therapy works best when you are thinking about and working towards your goals not only in session, but out of session too! One way people can do that is by journaling, but the sentiment I hear often from clients is that they know journaling would probably do them good, but they do not know where to start… “Do I just vent?”, “Do I write lists of goals I want?”, “Should I just write out my fears?”. All of those things can be helpful at times, but it can be nice to have more of a guide for this when first starting out. That is why I wrote my own guided journal — to help people explore their thoughts, feelings, fears, goals, wants, needs, and more! 

365 Journal is my passion project that allows YOU to begin to dive deeper and get creative. I wrote it with my client’s in mind, so the questions asked in this prompted journal, are all questions I believe would be helpful for my client base to think about, and prompts to assist in exploring their creative and fun side. The structure of this guided journal allows for a year’s worth of journal prompts (365 unique prompts) to get you started on your self-actualizing journey. If you are interested in purchasing, it can be found conveniently on and linked here

Image of Anika Heaverlo smiling with blue denim top, blonde hair, green plants in garden behind her

365 Journal